

(Makes 4)

O.kay you didn't leave enough time to make the Christmas pudding this year but, to be perfectly honest some people might prefer something light and fruity after a heavy roast. The following pudding is based on a classic Fruit Fool recipe and uses a mixture of French creme fraiche, double cream and sugar, deliciously mingled with either a French or Italian lemon liqueur, which is sumptuously layered into tall glasses with fresh mandarin segments, cranberries and meringues. Enjoy!

550g (1lb. 4oz) fresh cranberries, or use defrosted frozen cranberries
4tbls Wilkin and sons redcurrant jelly
5tbls golden caster sugar
4tbls water
25g (1oz) butter

For the foolish
1-2 mandarin oranges peel and segmented
200ml (7fluoz) President Creme Fraiche, chilled
284ml (10fluoz) fresh double cream, chilled
11/2tbls golden caster sugar
11/2 - 2tbls Lemoncello, or Limoncetto de Sorrento
16 Marks and Spencers mini meringues

First cook the cranberries. Preheat the oven to 190C (375F) Gas mark 5.
Place the cranberries, redcurrant jelly, sugar and water in a shallow tin. Dot with the butter and roast the fruit until the juices start to run, basting twice to amalgamate the ingredients. remove from the oven and leave the fruit to cool in the syrup.
For the foolish Slowly whisk the creme fraiche with the cream, caster sugar and Lemoncetta di Sorrento until the mixture forms soft peaks. Layer the cranberries, foolish, and meringues into 4 tall wine glasses (so that you can see the colourful layers, some of the scarlet juices will sink into the cream). Finally top each pudding with a single meringue and serve.